Whitechapel United Against Division JUNE 20TH



SATURDAY 19TH JUNE 4PM Public Rally Altab Ali Park


On Sunday 20th June 2010 extremists from both the English Defence League (EDL) and the “UK Islamic Conference” (UK-IC) threaten to invade our local community in Tower Hamlets. Neither of these groups originates from this area but attempt to recruit, divide and create trouble spreading their respective poisons. To this we say NO.

The EDL are planning to hold a counter-demonstration to the “UK-IC” Speakers under the rhetoric of anti-Islamic extremism, spreading a racist sentiment while waving the banner of nationalism in response. They are a divisive element, not understanding the fact that the extremist elements they claim to be against (Islam4UK, Abu Hamza, Al-Muhajiroun) have all been kicked out of mosques by Muslims themselves! What the EDL do is polarise our communities, lumping all Muslims into one homogenous group while justifying pro-war sentiments and fueling Islamophobia. Their drunken presence chanting football songs will do nothing but trigger conflict within our community – the real reason behind them wanting to come here!

The UK-IC are hosting a dubious event involving controversial speakers Muhammad Hassan, Hussain Yee, Bilal Philips and others who espouse extremist lines condoning rape, killing homosexuals, military camps and anti-Semitism. This is taking place at The Troxy 490 Commercial Road and not at a mosque or religious school due to the fact the communities using those places of worship have identified the speakers as not welcome.

As one of the most socially deprived areas in London we know things aren’t perfect in Whitechapel, Limehouse or Tower Hamlets, but as neighbours living side by side, trading within the markets, workmates in the hospital, post office and colleges we put aside our minor differences and get along as an East End community. We are proud of the multi-ethnic working class history of standing up for ourselves that defines our areas identity, from the memorial commemorating locals stopping the fascists marching down Cable Street to the memories of kicking the National Front off Brick Lane after the murder of Altab Ali. That’s why we have to say NO to both the English Defence League and the “UK Islamic Conference” in coming to our East End. We have to stand together united and let them know by our presence that they are not welcome here.

We cannot let these divisive groups enter our community and must defend whitechapel against them!



104 responses to “Whitechapel United Against Division JUNE 20TH

  1. Best of luck to the WAGs… so the EDL are gonna actually dare to try to rally in Dhaka, aka Whitechapel? Can’t imagine them getting anything less than completely and totally battered…

  2. Johnny St Clair

    with a name like rasta i assume you are non muslim, or even if you were secular or progressive/ liberal… i cannot understand this mentality and hostility towards an organisation that states in no uncertain terms on its website, its against the gradual creeping in of islam into all aspects of society and the militants… and they are using there democratic right to protest, they are entitled to in a democracy, whats with the threats? or maybe you are the racist/ bigot

  3. As a local from Stepney, which to those outsiders who dont know the area thats where the Troxy is.
    The local people of Stepney welcome the EDL, as they are not a racist group I think you’ll find the racists are having the meeting.

    • @Truebrit EDL – I am sure that a few people welcome the EDL in Stepney but its a bit far fetched to think the mass majority do.

  4. Come on Rasta ~ answer the reality question instead of provoking trouble! Not exactly playing at being a Rasta are you?! The extremist Islamiswts won’t let you smoke your spliffs! They’ll want you to buy their heroin to pay for the Taliban scum that will be running your life, & your body ~ regardless of anything you stand for now! I have nothing against the Rastafari’ way of life. Good luck to you, but don’t oppose those that will be the3 ones that respect your beliefs.

  5. The last prophetess

    The EDL is a very solid and big group that incorporate people from all backgrounds, including Jews, Blacks, Sikhs, Hindus, Pagans, and even Muslims.

    Calling the EDL racists or a group intent of segregation could not be further from the truth, but we know how these ignorant people are. Just because they see a skinhead they automatically assume he is a hooligan.
    This is the problem with Britain. The people have forgotten that the skinheads are part of our culture and that not all of them are trouble-makers.

    The EDL is quickly becoming a very popular organization/group that has no political involvement and no sinister agenda. They are composed of simple citizens who are prepared to die to defend this country against Islamization, Hate Speech, and Discrimination.

    The EDL fights for the freedom of everyone in this country and they are not afraid to go into the lion’s den and show their determination, which let’s face it, is both brave and honourable.

    The above article is proof that it’s not the EDL who is inciting any segregation or hate, but those who claim to be Nationalist and anti-fascist. They could not be more hypocrite than that.

    Ever since they failed to label EDL as a racist or fascist group, they have taken upon themselves to demonize this group and to spread the most vicious and deceitful propaganda, with the intent of getting members of the community to attack them. This constitutes to nothing but inciting hate, as there are members of the EDL that live in that area, and are therefore part of the same community.

    The Whitechapel United against division should get their facts right before deceiving people and inciting hate towards others, just because they are WHITE.

    It’s Islam that is dividing the members of this community, the Muslims are the ones who insist in living in a society albeit without integration. This in itself is DIVISION.

    Get a grip! You are all afraid of the EDL because they will come en mass and make their voices heard. And make no mistake, the EDL is NOT alone. Other groups are also coming to show them their support and join them in this fight against Islamic hate speech towards the people of Britain.

    They are planning to demonstrate peacefully in the area, and anyone attempting to attack them will be arrested. There will be cameras set up at the top of many buildings to give them a clear view of the perpetrators of crimes.

    So whoever is planning to attack anyone, they better think twice, because firstly you do not mess with the EDL, and secondly, the Jewish Brigade will also be there, and you do not mess with the Jews.
    Apart from that, other groups will be on alert, including vigilantes.

    • @The last prophetess – Thanks for your pot. Unfortunately a large part if utter bs. Firstly why are you treading on the toes of people in Whitechapel by marching in their area. You must understand the reaction and reception you will get is not going to be positive. You must also recognised that the UAF are not the only ones of hyping you up and tarnishing your organisation, it is also your behaviour and your leadership that has made what may have been a progressive movement into something else, an open house for any and every sort of pissed off person to attend and kick off.

      If you are marching in Whitechapel with provocative language, with Israeli flags, with placards saying “No More Mosques” and the odd “paki cunts”/”you smelly bastards” chants then what do you expect if people react non too favorably.

    • Despite the good intentions of the EDL opposing Islamic fundemtalism, they get it arse over tit, alienating ALL muslims in the process who are the real people kicking the nutters out of the mosques. What the EDL do is hype up loyalism/nationalism which PAVES THE WAY for fascism (No sinister agenda hey?) and much like the disgusting speakers at The Troxy event (And the elements within the local Council who have ensured it’s go ahead) you in fact stifle any progressive elements within the diversity of muslim communities. Painting sections of the working class into corners of “white” and “muslim” doesn’t help when we are all being fucked over by the government.
      And in fact Muslims do integrate into society – this shit you spout about them not just goes to show your black and white view of the world – areas like whitechapel are a prime example of the melting pot of Britain. You use the rhetoric of everyone else being fascist and racist but it’s you lot who come stir up shit. And I don’t care if you got more than just white people in it, anyone can be racist no matter what their skin colour, and it’s this xenophobic attitude that the EDL thrives on. Peaceful? Bollocks! Just read some of the shit you lot put on facebook and what some of you lot shout at your demo’s! No one on here is talking about attacking you lot, we are talking about defending our community, you won’t come anywhere near whitechapel because people will be out on the streets stopping you en masse – far outnumbering anything you could ever muster I assure you. Any violence on the day will probably be the police battering you all day long as you remain in a kettle. What a fucking joke!

      • The ironic thing is while we are all fighting amongst ourselves just a 1/4 of a mile away the financial district who has caused much of the discontent in the UK and across the globe lies safe in the knowledge that the “divisions” are out actively dividing working class communities on religious and racial grounds.

    • “The above article is proof that it’s not the EDL who is inciting any segregation or hate, but those who claim to be Nationalist and anti-fascist. They could not be more hypocrite than that.”

      I was under the impression that the EDL claimed to be both nationalist – “we want our country back” – and anti-fascist. So, by your own definition, it seems to me that the EDL are guilty as charged, y’r honour.

    • “They are composed of simple citizens”
      No shit sherlock!

  6. I had a big fat roided up EDL cunt pretending to be Welsh waddling around with his massive pit bull taking photos of me without my permission when you dickheads came to Swansea… you put my photo up on your “redwatch”… screamed at all my Muslim mates, who are very nice people and have nothing to do with any of the extremist sentiments of the speakers scheduled to appear in Whitechapel, calling them “Muslim bombers” and demanding they get off “our streets”, although they’re actually OUR streets, not fucking yours, since few if any of you were actually from Swansea… the Welsh Defence League, is it… wearing Cross of St. George shirts?? I don’t fucking think so… and to cap it all off, not one, but several of you gave sieg heil nazi salutes, in the middle of the city that was bombed worse than any other in the UK by the Nazis. Nuff fucking said.
    If I’m able to get the day off work and get down to London I will be at WAG’s demo so feel free to unleash your fucking pit bulls on me. I ain’t worried, I and I Rastafari people are in tune with nature, animals know we’re vegan and leave us alone, but we can communicate telepathically with the animals through our dreadlocks antennae so watch out… your pitbulls may turn on you! Ya daft fucking cunts…
    Stay out of Bangladesh, oh sorry I mean Whitechapel, if you know what’s good for ya…

  7. Just shows what wierdos this country has to put up with! ~ Animal antennas!!! LOL!!!

  8. @JohnnyB – I think he was pulling your leg

  9. Not the dogs leg then?! 🙂

  10. Miss Mav3rick

    EDL are not welcome over ere. Neither is UAF or any fundamentalist.

    This is the community fighting back.

    This is our turf. the East London turf.

    Anarchist 4eva!

  11. please do not use the term “extremists” which is derived from bourgeois ideology and basically means, that there is the normal political centre which has to defend itself against the extremist fringes to the left and right … calling these people fascists, fundamentalists, reactionaries, etc. is better

  12. The EDL are on their way, nothing can stop them.
    More and more EDL people are taking to the streets to protest against extreme Islam as is their right. No surrender. Ever.

  13. We’ll See.

  14. Pingback: Hate Not Hope « Whitechapel Anarchist Group

  15. I’m an eastender and I’m with the EDL all the way, I don’t want the preachers of hate to speak in my eastend and they won’t.

    • But the preachers of hate will speak. Why? Because the corrupt local Council of Tower Hamlets (The REAL enemy) are ensuring it’s go ahead despite locals complaining to the venue to get it canceled. The EDL won’t have any impact on stopping the conference – they will come down, get drunk, sing rowdy songs and basically be penned all day by police. Is that a success in stopping religious fundamentalism?
      Maybe you should have watched the Dispatches programme exposing the IFE’s take over of East London Mosque – you may notice that a number of people blowing the whistle were, drum roll please, local Muslims!! Doing a lot more than you.

  16. i wanna beat up some commies – where do i turn up?

  17. EDL have nothing against muslims in general, only Islamofascists, so we invite all who are against the extremists, join us.
    Black, white and brown unite.

    • Join you for what? What exactly is it you are planning to do? The comment above you just goes to show what mindless thugery the EDL demos attract. I’m sure there are decent people among it who have a sincere concern and want to do something about that – good on you. Like wise I am opposed to Islamic fundamentalism but I would never attend an EDL demo because of it’s provocative nature, manipulating the good intentions of some by the bad intentions of others who just want to fight, get drunk and hurl abuse. You lot play right into the UAF’s hands and your both as stupid as each other. Sane people aren’t going to join you on the 20th, even if they may agree with your views against religious fundamentlism, you go about it all the wrong way and as I’ve stated above the EDL, just like the fundamentalist speakers and the corrupt Tower Hamlets Council legitimising them, you alienate and stifle progressive elements of the muslim communities around here by labeling everything in black and white terms. If you lot were really into stopping islamic fundamentalism then you’d have the support of all the muslims who have kicked out nutters from their mosques – people like Abu Hamza and as I’ve mentionned above the people who blew the whistle on the IFE. Ask yourself why is it these people do not support you?

  18. Miss Mav3rick ~ If it wasn’t for the English (& Brits) from other areas that fought so BRAVELY then you’d not be able to defend anything now except a German sentry box! EDL are defending & standing up for ENGLAND not just your little bit of London! I’m a Londoner, so I’ve every right to stand up for London. Worry MORE about the Islamic extremist loving UAF than EDL. At least you can hear the EDL ~ but not the UAF supported suicide bombers creeping ever closer! (unless they use an old alarm clock!).

  19. You have to understand the history of the EDL. Most of us had never been to a demo before, I’m an OAP by the way and we had a very steep learning curve, including some demos turning a bit violent, not helped by the coin throwing UAF and their nasty habit of leafleting areas that we were BNP, we are not.

    Now we have lots of stewards to keep control, so there will be little trouble, a few hotheads maybe, we do throw them out.

    If the Islamist are making speeches we will drown them out.
    I don’t see how we label things in black and white terms, we are against the Islamofascists, a single issue multi ethnic, mainly working class, movement.
    We have a Sikh division, Jewish division and an LGBT division, we are far more inclusive than the media and others portray us. We are not far right, most of us are middle of the road.

    We have muslim and ex muslim supporters and we would have a lot more if it were not for those who want to label us, nazi,racist, Zionist plot etc etc and go into an area and incite local Asians to riot, we know that their are hard working moderate muslims who are nothing to do with the Islamofacscists and just want to get on with their lives like every one else.
    Maybe these people would support us if they knew the true EDL as opposed to the image the press, government and unions have given us.

    • I have been following the history of the EDL and it should be made clear that a majority of anarchists don’t lump EDL in with Nazi’s/BNP etc. Different things although there may be some cross over with people attracted to those politics being attracted to EDL. And people are well aware that EDL have had run in’s with C18/Blood&Honour and in reality have done more to “bash the fash” than the uaf. It should also be made very clear that anarchists hate uaf/trots/swp and likewise they hate us. The uaf have spread dinsinfo and whip up as much fear and reaction as they claim to be against. We in no way agree with there siding up to reactionary elements which is part and parcel of there behaviour.
      BUT you can not keep blaming the media portrayal and the uaf for peoples opposition towards you. Maybe look at cleaning up your own house – like you say to muslims – before you can start telling people what they should believe etc.
      You won’t drown out any speeches because you won’t be anywhere near the venue. Which brings me to my original point – What is it you are exactly doing to stop Islamic Fundamentalism? Why aren’t you working with more muslims? They have led the way and booted these nutters out – so why aren’t they your largest division? You can’t just blame the media. Look at how you behave, look at what some people on your demo shout, read some of the reactionary shit written on facebook – you can’t blame the media for putting across a false impression and turning off moderate muslims from joining you!
      If you were a serious political force you’d have a decent strategy apart from turning up somewhere, getting drunk, chanting songs then fucking off. But that’s it isn’t it? Unless you can fill me in on how EDL are seriously getting extreme speakers pushed out of mosques etc with the muslim communities that use them. And here I mean a majority of the law abiding muslims, who work hard, pay their taxes and are very respectful to the country they live in and also born in!!
      I’ve explained the black and white thing on here already – and some of your supporters have re-inforced it by one minute talking about islamo-fascists and the next minute just using the term muslims to cover everyone and everything.
      I love the way you ignored my last comment about how you just attract trouble makers like the comment from Semta, you seem like a clever guy so use your brain, well done on you for standing up and actually saying and doing something, but I think you are completley deluded if you don’t question the way the EDL are going about things. You talk of being against fascism etc and I know lots of your members believe that, but if you don’t acknowledge that the EDL’s behaviour or manner of going about things is creating more and more divides and playing right into the uaf’s hands, you must realise that it is in fact paving the way for fascism – stricter controls on people’s liberty, demonising a minority group, foscusing on nationalism while not questionning the institutions of government, monarchy and police.

  20. You lot can chat all you want about “the true EDL”, but some of our opinions are not formed by “the press, government and *UNIONS*” (interesting that you mention unions ), but by seeing you guys (and you’re mostly guys) in action.
    Sieg heiling… screaming at ALL muslims, not “Islamofascists”, and condemning them all to hell… making hoot hoot monkey noises at Black protesters… (the couple of little toms you got with you should realise what their “mates” are up to… or was “Young, British and Angry” all fabricated footage?)… bigging up the state of Israel for murdering people trying to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza… and the list goes on. No “hotheads” were thrown out when you all came to Swansea. You were the hotheads. Sieg heiling and burning an anti nazi flag. What the fuck am I supposed to think of you?
    If you have any decency in you, Arthur, you should disassociate yourselves from these people now.

  21. Thanks Arthur for your honest & true comments ~ & thank you Rasta for confirming what Arthur was saying about the wrong image put forward from the media & others like you have.

  22. The last Prophetess


    [ Firstly why are you treading on the toes of people in Whitechapel by marching in their are.]

    It’s NOT THEIR area. It’s OUR area. The BRITISH people’s area. And I should be able to walk and demonstrate wherever I damn well like, and I will do just that. I am not treading on anyone’s toes. They are the ones who are treading on mine. We do NOT want HATE SPEECH in our area. And we will do everything to STOP it. If you think that fighting hate speech is treading on someone’s toes, then I hope you feel the pain, because I love treading on terrorists toes with high heels.

    [You must understand the reaction and reception you will get is not going to be positive.]

    And am I bothered? I do not care if fighting for my freedom of speech is not welcome by the Islamo-fascists of that area. It’s MY country. And it’s they who must understand that their hate speech is NOT going to be received positively.

    [You must also recognised that the UAF are not the only ones of hyping you up and tarnishing your organisation, it is also your behaviour and your leadership that has made what may have been a progressive movement into something else, an open house for any and every sort of pissed off person to attend and kick off.]

    The media has done its best to demonize us, the UAF (United And Fascists) as well. But they FAILED miserably. We don’t have to defend ourselves from their idiotic, fascist and racist accusations. All we worry about is defending THIS COUNTRY from Islamo-fascist violence, against Gays, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Pagans, Women, Children, etc.

    We care NOTHING for your idiotic demonizing of our group. We know who we are and what our goal is. It’s you who don’t, and therefore it’s YOU who has a problem. Not us.

    [If you are marching in Whitechapel with provocative language, with Israeli flags, with placards saying “No More Mosques” and the odd “paki cunts”/”you smelly bastards” chants then what do you expect if people react non too favorably.]

    Don’t be bloody ridiculous!! We are marching AGAINST HATE SPEECH, against VIOLENCE in our streets, caused by MUSLIMS who are ISLAMO FASCISTS, who preach evil against our people, and who live in a constant state of HATE for this country, despite living here and enjoying its benefits.
    We are marching against different laws for different people, (Discrimination). We want ONE LAW FOR ALL.

    But at this time we are marching against HATE SPEECH, and that’s why we are going to the TROXY and not a mosque. The guest speakers are Muslims who preach hate and poison the minds of Muslims in this country, inciting them to wage wars against their fellow citizens.

    We have ZERO tolerance for that.

    As for mosques, why do they need more anyway? There are more mosques than churches in this country. When has it become ISLAMIC??

    I am PAGAN, and I don’t give a shit about anyone’s religion. I don’t denigrate anyone and expect the same. If you don’t like Paganism then it’s YOUR problem. Not mine.

    Furthermore I have the RIGHT to dislike whatever I damn well like. I don’t like Islam. Not many people do anyway. But I am not an Islamophobe because I am not afraid of this cult. I just DESPISE it.

    Again, I care nothing for the opinions of those who judge me based on what I said. In fact, I couldn’t give a damn. I choose to live my life as I want. And so do all of us.

    Besides, NO ONE HERE is without sin. So let’s not even go there. I bet most of you useless leftists, calling yourselves “humanitarians” (Ha! What a joke!) and pro-Islamic, haven’t got the foggiest idea of what you are supporting. You are ignorant and uneducated in History, Religions and real life.

    Muslims have taken to OUR streets time and time again asking for the BEHEADING of those who insult Islam, stating they are going to start a HOLOCAUST against Europe.

    WTF?? And you think the EDL are racists or fascists? Fucking hilarious! You lot haven’t got a frigging clue! Idiots, ignorants, uneducated morons indeed! And you suck up to a media that is utterly biased and deceitful. “TAQQIYA”.

    I bet you don’t even know what that is, do you?

    The EDL is growing stronger by the day, every day we get new members, and everyday people from all backgrounds come to us and realize we are NOT what the media states of us. They see it for themselves, and so they flock to us because they are PISSED OFF with Muslims claiming our streets as theirs and making us feel intimidated with their stupid little violent gangs.

    We are NOT afraid. We will NOT be intimidated or bullied in OUR country and whoever doubts that will see it pretty soon.

    We are a NATIONAL organization. We have members everywhere in this country, and these divisions are growing and growing.

    We are NOT against Muslims or anyone else, we are against ISLAM and its EVIL ideology.

    Muslims are free to pray in their mosques, as long as they are not chanting and brainwashing people to rise against us, their hosts.

    That’s what you don’t seem to understand.

    The EDL is on the PEOPLE’s side, the BRITISH people’s side, and that includes Immigrants who are British, like MYSELF.

    If you support these Islamo-fascists, you are feeding the crocodile, expecting it to eat you last. A very stupid move indeed.


    • You keep bringing this up:

      “Muslims have taken to OUR streets time and time again asking for the BEHEADING of those who insult Islam, stating they are going to start a HOLOCAUST against Europe.”

      This happened only a few times by some marginal idiots that you know do not represent anyone but themselves. You are just using this propaganda to feed to your members. You know as well as I do that the underlining issue in EDL is that there are thousands of young working class lads and women who are poor, don’t have a job and are in debt. This is and should be the EDL’s real politics not some crazy fringe of Islamists twats that no one really gives two monkey’s about.

      And your right, you should be able to think and do what you like and express an opinion – too often the left and the PC crowd attempt to stifle debate because they can’t handle the fact that we all say and mean things differently. I want to make you aware that this is the majority view of people around anarchist activity. The issue comes when you attempt to do things THAT YOU KNOW will have adverse reaction and be counter productive. You should have a right to march, but that comes with responsibility and take into account the reaction from people.

      Personally I think Whitechapel needs a gay parade, but that will take a long time to change the attitutudes of some people to make that a welcomed event. Similarly with demonstrating against Islamic Conferences, it needs to be done when its muslims coming out in number with you otherwise you will get the situation that will happen on June 20th.

    • Luther Blissett

      ‘The last prophetess’: “TAQQIYA”.

      I bet you don’t even know what that is, do you?”

      It’s what counter-jihadi’s say that Muslims do, to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt and division in the minds of your trusting audience (EDL).

      When you think and type these things, ‘the last prophetess, I imagine you sat at the keyboard, with cockroaches spilling from your mouth, climbing over your hands and arms. Each lashon hara you tell make another cockroach inside of you that is desparate to escape the confines of your hate-riddled body. You’re bad, girl.
      Take a look in the mirror. You’re bad.

  23. I didn’t see the so called “Welsh Defence League” in “the media”. I saw em face to face.
    “Young British and Angry” was not all actors and special effects, was it? “The media” can’t put out a “wrong image” without you giving them the ammunition to.

  24. “it’s not THEIR area. It’s OUR area. The BRITISH people’s area.”
    Nuff said. And you expect to be welcomed with that attitude? Since the majority of Bangladeshi etc. people in Whitechapel were born in Britain, and hence BRITISH, it’s obvious that BRITISH is code for something else here.
    Funnily enough, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Africa, Guyana, Jamaica, etc. etc. etc. were all “YOUR” area… the “BRITISH people’s area” for centuries. Needless to say, without the consent of the people who lived in these places and who were enslaved and exploited and massacred to build up the empire that you lot are so proud of.
    You may not all be “fascists”… some of you are deliberate manipulators and some of you are just confused and deluded and credulous people in search of an identity… but what you all have in common is that you are fucking idiots.

  25. Edinburgh Posse

    “Neither of these groups originates from this area”

    Thats funny neither do most of the residents. They originate from outside Europe.

    Good luck to the EDL, even although i don’t support them as a group, but i do support their concerns.

    • You really are a cretin aren’t you? Have you ever been to Tower Hamlets? Majority of people that live here were born in Britain and that includes all the Bangla Boys and Girls whose parents have been here for a couple of generations now. They are British by definition. So what’s your point mate? Are you gonna complain about them breeding too much or some other racist shit like that?

  26. Thanks Edinburgh Posse. You said multitudes without writing a lot!!

  27. I can’t speak for the WDL but I can speak for the EDL and we are not racist, some Idiots that join our demos are and when we find them we kick their arse out mate.

    If your born here you are English and it is time some people acted like it, joining the taliban to fight our solders is traitorous and dirty.

    You can talk about history all you like but it is just that, history mate and we are talking now, our country and yours now, not in some distant past and even then there are many things we Brits can be proud of, it’s not all bad.

    The documentaries you talk of were twisted, did they show the interview with our LGBT division, for example, there were many interviews that ended up on the cutting room floor, why, because they want to show that we are some extreme right wing racist Nazi group.
    Where has Abdul interview gone, funny how people who don’t believe the media generally, believe when it suits them.

    As for Idiots, you’re entitled to your opinion.

    • “If your born here you are English and it is time some people acted like it, joining the taliban to fight our solders is traitorous and dirty.”

      What does acting English mean? Supporting the army, supporting the royal family, supporting the EDL? That’s not my version of English, thank you very much!

  28. Johnny St Clair

    Rasta, your a bigot, that is what you have proved- you talk Pc myths son…. You want to talk about slavery look to who abolished slavery then invested millions of pounds in trying to bring it down globally.. also slavery was a collective issue, who your islamic friends certainly played a role in, only difference they do not get feel any remorse as people in the west do, and still enslave to this day, and if ever had the strength the chances they would en masse again… you can keep throwing all the blame at white people, but maybe you should consider what britain is today, and how the vast majority of english are liberal instead of dreaming up myths (like the elite do) regards the past

  29. EDL on their way.

    Stand with us against extremism.

  30. Our LGBT group will be in whitechapel with us.

  31. So let me get this right, you have a gay group standing in support of Islamic homophobia, they support some one who has stated publicly that they should be thrown from a mountain top.
    Wow, that sounds sensible.

    • Do you ever read anyones answers on here or just jump to conclusions? It’s already stated people are against both. Maybe read the next blog as well. Come on mate show a little bit of intelligence.

      • No Arthur the LGBT groups will be marching with their community as part of the community in solidarity with it. A big difference. They will be in a much better place to fight homophobia in Tower Hamlets than the 3 men and dog in the EDL’s LGBT Division. Thats why we have promoted their attendance at the anti-EDL march.

  32. Yes, I’ve read your answers and it does not make any sense at all to be opposed to something and yet stand against us who happen to be the only group fighting it.
    When did your LGBT group last demonstrate against Islamic homophobia, oh that’s right they haven’t.

    • So EDL stand with Israeli Zionists – some of the most fascistic groups on the planet, who equally despise gay people. And can I add who ran a terrorist campaign against British Army in the late 1940’s. Why to EDL stand with such extremists?

      • No! EDL don’t stand with Israeli Zionists!

        EDL stand with JDL.

        Some JDL like EDL.

        EDL like religious ultranationalists who want
        JDL are proscribed terrorist group in Israel.

        JDL work against the Israeli state.

        JDL work against the IDF.

        World Zionist Congress voted recently to pressurise the Likud/Beitanu coalition for a two-state solution.

        This means EDL’s claims to support Israel’s state and the IDF are false.

        IDF are in danger from the JDL ultranationalists, the Kahanists and the Kooks, who regularly defy the Israeli state.

        EDL only support one vision of Israel (the religious ultranationalist one state – arab-free).

        The majority of Jews in Diaspora support two states, one for Israelis, one for Palestinians, and the majority of Israelis and Palestinians support two states.

        JDL are a proscribed terrorist group as far as Israel are concerned, so this means EDL are now linked to a terrorist group that is banned in Israel.

        How we laughed when EDL kvetched about Channel 10 who gave them such a hard-time on Israeli tv.

      • Luther Blissett

        No, they just stand with the Kahanist JDL – a proscribed quasi-fascist terrorist group in both Israel and the USA.

        Ergo, they stand with vigilante Jewish fundamentalists.

        There are many types of zionist, A. Clue yourself up on all the varieties.

        The majority of zionists within Israel and the diaspora believe a two-state solution is the only way forward. Even Zionist Congress is now trying to use its considerable muscle to pressurise the rightwingnut Likud-Herut/Beitanu coalition into a two-state solution.

        JDL and other ultras (Kooks/Hardalim & US-originating Messianist settlers) want a single-state solution and transfer of arabs to anywhere that will have them (just not Israel or the Occupied Territories).

    • As I’ve made clear you are NOT the only group fighting it. Was it the EDL who got Choudrey/Islam4Uk kicked out of mosques, was it EDL who got Abu Hamza pushed out of finsbury park mosque, was it the EDL who got Hizb ut-Tahrir/Al-M. kicked out of muslim places of worship, was it the EDL who blew the whistle on the IFE at the East London Mosque? WAS IT FUCK. It was normal, down to earth, law abiding muslims who did that – they are the ones standing up and fighting against their religion being hijacked by a bunch of nutters spousing terrorist shit. Most muslims in Tower Hamlets just want to get on with life and family like you and me mate.
      I’ve outlined numerous times on this thread, which you seem to ignore, that the way EDL go about things doesn’t have any effect whatsoever on stopping crazy extremists – in fact you do more to probably push young muslims into more extreme beliefs by the threat you offer as a drunken and undisiciplined mob attracting hotheads and racists.

  33. Why is that the left and extreme right are obsessed by Zionism. we support Israels right to exist, we’re not involved in politics of any sort.

    We have a Jewish division and they want to fly Israels flag.

    You must be blind not to see the danger to our country and it’s culture by the Islamists.

    Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, you don’t see these groups bombing us or intimidating us, my Hindu friends are more English than me.

    We are demonstrating against the speakers at the Troxy, not against muslims in general, but of course the left want a riot so they will stir thing up and that is responsible behaviour is it.

    • Luther Blissett

      Arthur: “we support Israels right to exist”

      Good for you. Do you support Palestine’s right to exist?

      Note: I am talking about two states, not one or the other.

      Be careful what you say, Arthur. I shall know quickly whether you truly do support Israelis or not from your answer.

  34. Islamists are about as much a terror threat as far-right nutters like David Copeland, Roderick Rowley and his paedo mate, ie not at all. They are delusional fantasists. So please spare us the faux rage about Islamists – it is just a cover for having a pop at all Muslims.

    • And a massive diversion from the elephant in the room, ***the fact that the poor are being placed on the sacrificial altar to bleed to death for the rich***. If there was more controversy about travellers and gypsies in the news than about muslims, then they would be the “anti gypsy league” instead (which of course is the other main group who it’s acceptable to talk shit about while still claiming that you’re “not a racist” – them and the “flocking” Poles and Ukrainians, etc.).
      Dumbfucks like the ones posting on here are just along for the ride, but someone is definitely pulling strings behind the scenes and the agenda is to divert people from the real enemy – not muslims, jews, gypsies, black, white, red, purple or whatever – but the ruling class who are gearing up for the biggest fuck-up-the-ass-with-no-vaseline (no homophobia intended) since the poll tax – or maybe even bigger.
      I’m not the first to point out that the EDL was not formed after 7/7, as you would think if they were genuinely a spontaneous reaction to some perceived Muslim terror threat. They were formed after the recession.
      I feel like I’m just pointing out the obvious here but obviously it ain’t obvious to everyone so…

      • @Rasta – In terms of the EDL and why now. Well its not that the organisation has formed only in march 2009 its their popularity. Before them there was March For England, then United British Alliance. All coming from 2000 onwards. UBA were doing demo’s at Regent’s Park Mosque, Trafalgar Square…etc.

        So, yeah agree..the recession and almost 10 years of war in Afghanistan/Iraq has led to the EDL’s numbers being over inflated. Even though some of the “progressives” in the EDL have commented on their own personally circumstances – i.e. unemployed, poor, shit housing, shit prospects – there is still a barrier to do anything about this. This is the problem of the EDL that their followers have real concerns and problems that need to be addressed but they shout down anyone who wants to criticise the role of the market and capitalism in causing that. Like I have said – the EDL is a barrier for their followers to target the real oppressors, and are myth-makers and provocateurs. In essence they deflect and are deflecting the real source of oppression – economic oppression in the UK – and directing it increasing at the muslim population in the UK.

    • @Arthur – you have won??!! What a joke. You really don’t give a shit about the locals who have been campaigning against this. Just shows how out of touch you really are with local TH politics.

  35. Paul, tell that to the victims of 7/7 mate.

    • @Arthur, and you should also remember that Aldgate, Whitechapel was also a target and amongst the victims were also muslims, one of which was from the supposed hotbed of terrorism at the East London Mosque.

    • Luther Blissett


      I know one victim (she survived) and she tells me that she’d like it if EDL stopped using the tragedy of 7/7 to whip up hatred against Anglo-Muslims.

      If you like, I can get written confirmation of this.

  36. A, yes of course we know this, all sorts of people were killed that day and we would not wish it on anyone.

    That mosques is a hotbed of corruption and just remember that Andrew Gilligan is the one who exposed it as so, same bloke who accused the government of sexing up the WMD document. So I tend to believe him.
    I live in the east end and I am well aware of how the Majors referendum was fixed, I’m also aware of the way thousands of people registered for a postal vote at the last minute, 18 people living in a two bed flat, a journalist beaten up out side one of them.

    Someone said that our LGBT division was one man and his dog, well go to the EDL LGBT facebook group and you will see about 300 followers. Which is far from one man and his dog.

    Trouble is that the left have misread what EDL are, you have slotted us into a box and we don’t fit, so you can’t believe you have got the wrong box so you twist us to fit.
    UAF coming on our demos and then when no one is looking, one will give a quick nazi salute and his mate photographs it, then hey presto it’s all over the internet, look EDL is nazi. I have seen this with my own eyes.

    The far right play the same game, so ask your self this, why do the far left and the far right do this, why do both want to bring EDL down?

    • We want to bring the EDL down because it is a reactionary force that relegates the solidarity that can and needs to be created amongst working class people – black, white, asian, muslim, non-muslims, gay – into an identity clash based on stereotypes. Your main aim is against radical Islam, our main aim is fighting and destroying capitalism and state domination. Your aim maintains and reinforces a backwards nationalism that serves the interests of the ruling elite.

      You choose to dominate english identity with one that is “loyal”, pro-war/army, pro-royalty and arrogant. We are english, but the real rebellious english that are against state, capitalism, war – we are internationalists.

      EDL is a barrier, it is part of the problem not the solution.

  37. The English Defence League would like to announce that we have achieved a great victory by putting pressure on Tower Hamlets council to force the cancellation of the controversial conference that was due to take place at the Troxy on Sunday the 20th June 2010.

    Our behind the scenes P.R. team lobbied the venue and the local council as well as the Met Police until we achieved our aim of having this conference banned because it could stir up religious or racial hatred. Laws apply to everyone otherwise that’s discrimination!

    We are aware that many people were looking forward to this demo in the very heart of political Islam; however our battle on this occasion has been won. This is just one of many battles in a far reaching war both nationally and internationally.

    We are declaring a date for a new demo to be held at Wembley on the 26th of this month so don’t feel too disappointed folks!

    Why Wembley?

    Because Zakir Naik a world renowned Islamist charlatan is attending a “Peace Conference” on

    Saturday 26th June 2010
    Wembley Arena, London
    Event Timing: 3pm to 9.30pm doors opening 2pm
    Topic: Universal Brotherhood

    Zakir Naik will be faced with a universal brotherhood of proud Infidels, the EDL Ummah!
    We will protest about this Islamist apologist and his stealth jihad by preaching under a provision of “peace”, highlighting it to the rest of the world so they too can take direct action and make a difference. We are after all citizens of a worldwide anti jihad Ummah.

    Can we please make sure all our Divisions pull out all the stops to get a huge turnout for this event in our capital city of London. We need to be out there spreading the word getting good people involved, getting people to understand our message and stand with us against the propagation of Islamism and those who make excuses for it.

    People why try to justify any form of Islamic misogyny, hatred, intolerance, violence and oppression are not welcome here in the UK end of! We still stand strong, we will never surrender.

    See you there!

    Zakir Naik thinks every Muslim should be a terrorist, watch this video.

  38. A, of course we are in opposition, but we are fighting for what’s left of our freedoms, we don’t care about your ideologies, what good have you done us, where were you when the working classes needed you, you deserted us, you left us on rotting sink estates, you despised our opinions, you called us bigots, you tried to destroy our identity.
    You talk of grandiose ideology, when we couldn’t feed our kids, could only send them to rubbish schools with a rubbish education system, you talk of internationalism when we can’t get work to feed and house our children. You took away free thought and tried to replace it with p.c..

    In short mate, you f*** us over and now we have re-acted. We have risen and we are rock solid in our unity, thousands of us ready to take to the streets, tens of thousands support us and we grow by the day.

    In a way, you created the EDL.

    You talk of us supporting the army, yes we do, many of our members are serving or have served. Many brave men and women sent out to fight by a corrupt left wing government on lie after lie and then not providing equipment, even having to buy their own bloody boots. Then to return to their own country to be insulted and treated with scorn by the Islamofascist who the left,( respect ) support.

    Where are the left now, I’ll tell you where, respect, UAF,swp all in bed with the Islamofascists, supporting religious intolerance,women are deficient, homophobia and a hatred of the country that they live in, who want to bomb and kill us.

    In comparison we fight for liberty, freedom of choice, where all are equal, one law for all. Where women are not second class citizens, where people can be whatever sexuality they want, where they can leave or join any religion they like, where they can marry who ever they like, where they don’t have bits of their body hacked off because men want it, the list is endless mate.
    This is the bed the left are in, they have lost their way.

    • @Arthur – I did no such thing?! I’ve been accused of a lot of things but sorry, I had no doing in what you say in fact I have been fighting on those same lines, the same as many people who call themselves anarchists and anti-authoritarians. I agree with you mate 100%, your analysis and the reasoning is spot on – but you have never explained to me why the English Defence League is that vehicle for change? When you are organised in the same fashion as what we are against, your leaders tell you where and what to do, they speak on your behalf, they tell you to support the state of israel – so much for the free-thinking revolutionaries of the EDL!

      And you have to be aware that it is us anarchists that are also called Islamophobic for our stance against the Troxy event, we have been called fascists for our physical stance against neo-nazi’s — all by the left. Isn’t it clear to you by now that anarchists ARE NOT THE LEFT! That we organise our own affairs and think for ourselves. We do not hate every one in the EDL because they are white and working class, because that is where we are coming from but we maintain our principles and dignity and thats what keeps us focused.

      The EDL were going to march into an area where anarchists have been active for decades, with the view in our minds that the EDL will further divide the community on racial and religious grounds. This for us was something we could not see happen, so we had to stake our claim – oppose the Islamic Conference AND oppose the EDL – not because we support the Labour Party or Islamism or UAF but because we supported the community.

      EDL may claim a victory for getting the Troxy event cancelled – though equally we mounted our own local campaign with that venue and their management company – and they saw sense.

      Finally, how many in EDL actually support your opinion and WHAT ALTERNATIVE DO YOU OFFER. It is easy enough to say what is wrong with the UK, but what do you suppose happen considering that 99% of what you have has fuck all got to do with Islamism and a whole lot to do with the way capitalism and the economy work against and not for us.

  39. The last Prophetess


    [Nuff said. And you expect to be welcomed with that attitude? Since the majority of Bangladeshi etc. people in Whitechapel were born in Britain, and hence BRITISH, it’s obvious that BRITISH is code for something else here.]

    I don’t give a SHIT about being “welcomed” by MUSLIMS in my country. My country is NOT Islamic. Get that into your dreadlocks.
    The MAJORITY of people in this country is ENGLISH. And Muslims are just a max of 5% in the whole of BRITAIN. So they are not in majority at all and never will be, because we will not allow it.

    Those who were born in Britain, although “legally” (debatable) British, live here in constant HATE for Britain, so they are not British. It takes more than being born in a country to be a national citizen.

    I just wonder why the hell don’t they fuck off back to their Bangladesh if it’s oh sooo good! Why do you think they are HERE? Because this country has everything their country hasn’t. And we, the British people, have been far too nice and tolerant towards those who want us dead, and want to abuse our hospitality.

    They are here because their own countries have ISLAMIC SHARIAH LAWS which are not compatible to human rights, so they LEFT that shithole to live here, which is a free and democratic country. Only you are too damn blind to even grasp it, because obviously you never went anywhere in Islamic countries to see how their lives are a total shit.

    No wonder all of them come here, to escape that shit.

    [Funnily enough, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Africa, Guyana, Jamaica, etc. etc. etc. were all “YOUR” area… the “BRITISH people’s area” for centuries. Needless to say, without the consent of the people who lived in these places and who were enslaved and exploited and massacred to build up the empire that you lot are so proud of.]

    I am not here to debate British History with you, but I have now seen how stupidly ignorant you truly are, because it were the MUSLIMS who sold BLACKS from AFRICA to the WHITE MAN. It were the MUSLIMS who actually massacred them, and made money from their misery. You fool!!

    The British may have been cruel in many occasions but they are NOT anymore, and they have left a lot of GOOD things for all these countries. What has ISLAM left us apart from VIOLENCE, IGNORANCE and DARKNESS?

    And if you are black, you should know that Muslims denigrate you all the time. I know plenty who call blacks as second class citizens. You are so stupid that hurts! You know absolutely nothing about Muslims or islam. Foolish creature!!

    A somali woman (black woman) called a black man a nigger in front of me in the streets of WHITECHAPEL, you idiot!!
    These guys are so blind they cannot even see their own asses.

    [You may not all be “fascists”… some of you are deliberate manipulators and some of you are just confused and deluded and credulous people in search of an identity… but what you all have in common is that you are fucking idiots.]

    Actually sunshine it’s you who is the fucking idiot and an ignorant twat.
    We are not confused at all, we know pretty well what we want and what we stand for, the confusion is ALL YOURS. I would also say that you don’t even have an identity, as you call yourself a Rasta, therefore you may even be Jamaican. What the fuck are you doing in Britain then if you don’t like this country and has no intention of defending it? I think you are a jobless twat, who probably gets involved with gangs and all that shit. Waste of space.

    My black friends all WORK, and have good jobs, and education. And they are not only Jamaican but African and South American as well. NONE of them claim benefits or sit on their asses all day.

    I pity your stupidity and ignorance.
    I also pity the fact that you know nothing about anything and yet have no shame in coming here attempting to claim a moral ground that you do not have. An idiot indeed.


    [What does acting English mean? Supporting the army, supporting the royal family, supporting the EDL? That’s not my version of English, thank you very much!]

    What is YOUR version of being ENGLISH then? Enlighten me. What the fuck do you do for this country??

    [No Arthur the LGBT groups will be marching with their community as part of the community in solidarity with it. A big difference.]

    You cannot speak if you don’t know them, you fool. They will come to march with the EDL against HATE SPEECH, and hate speech from ISLAM comprises: KILLING HOMOSEXUALS, ABUSING WOMEN, etc. IF you don’t know this by now, you are a blind fool.

    [They will be in a much better place to fight homophobia in Tower Hamlets than the 3 men and dog in the EDL’s LGBT Division. Thats why we have promoted their attendance at the anti-EDL march.]

    If you are anti-EDL, you are ANTI-BRITISH and as such you are a RACIST and a FASCIST.
    What a twat. Ignorant twat to say the least.

    [So EDL stand with Israeli Zionists – some of the most fascistic groups on the planet, who equally despise gay people.]

    What a fucking idiotic creature you are! I am a ZIONIST, ISRAELI and we LOVE GAY people. We got gays all over Israel. What the fuck are you on about?? How are we FASCISTS, you moronic twat?? You are an asshole ANTI-JEW as well, no wonder you cannot handle the idea that ISRAEL is here and will remain here.
    And take note that ALL ISRAELIS are ZIONIST, so if you attack Zionists, you are OBVIOUSLY and UNMISTAKABLY attacking JEWS, and this makes you a FASCIST and a RACIST, so don’t you fucking dare claim the moral ground here, like your RASTA friend. You have no morals to start with, and your comments are nothing short of idiotic and ignorant.

    [And can I add who ran a terrorist campaign against British Army in the late 1940′s. Why to EDL stand with such extremists?]

    The BRITISH also STOLE Palestine from ISRAELIS, and DIVIDED the land between JEWS and their ENEMIES, the terrorist Islamists. Why on earth shouldn’t the Jews fight these assholes? If someone came to your home and did the same you would lay down and allow yourself to be raped? Don’t talk out of your crack.

    Many Palestinian JEWS fought on the side of the British Army, and SOME did not. The WHOLE land was Israel land before, from Syria to Sinai, so read some history you fool, and quit ranting your verbal diarrhoea as you don’t have a clue of what you are talking about.

    [@Arthur, and you should also remember that Aldgate, Whitechapel was also a target and amongst the victims were also muslims, one of which was from the supposed hotbed of terrorism at the East London Mosque.]

    Muslims are stupid because they attack EACH OTHER. When they cannot fight the Kuffar, they fight each other.
    And of course, Muslims also died on that day, daaaahhh is that a surprise? They also travel on the tubes. This proves Muslims don’t give a shit who they kill. Get that??

    Hamas is constantly murdering Palestinians in GAZA and forbidding the aid to get to them, and you imbeciles keep on demonizing Israel thinking it’s the Jews. Fucking irrational fools!!

    [EDL may claim a victory for getting the Troxy event cancelled – though equally we mounted our own local campaign with that venue and their management company – and they saw sense.]

    Hahahah! Don’t make me laugh!!! You did not even KNOW about it until I myself and my friend brought this up to the POLICE, the COUNCIL, the TRADING STANDARDS, the BRITISH SOCIETY OF FREE SPEECH, the TROXY itself and to the EDL.

    Your people did not give a flying fuck about it, until WE put loads of pressure on the council and the police and threatened to bring the EDL in to demonstrate in the streets.
    Even my friends from abroad, sent emails to these people because I gave them all the emails of all the right people, including Theresa May from the parlament and the HOME OFFICE.

    So don’t give us any shit about YOUR people campaigning about anything because I spent 3 weeks day and night emailing, calling and fighting against this demo. And the EDL also helped from last week.
    You lot must be really shit scared of the EDL because the moment they came on the scene, the event was cancelled! So THANKS to the EDL as well! Will give credit where it’s due.

    What pissed me off was that those very people who are now CLAIMING to have “seen sense” and are against hate speech, were the same assholes who told me they would not cancel the event. So I decided to THREATEN them with several demos.

    And guess what? The EDL is NOT the only group we asked to come and demonstrate. In fact it was NOT even their idea. Ask the leaders if you don’t believe me.

    It was MY idea, MINE and my friend’s idea. The EDL only offered to help because WE asked.
    That just shows how fucking ignorant all of you truly are, and how you are quick to jump and blame them just because THEY ARE WHITE and you fuckers are racist.

    I saw everywhere the corrupted and biased media blaming the EDL for this demo, insulting them, calling them racist thugs and fascists. FUCK ME!!! I did not know that when people want to defend their country from HATE SPEECH they would be denigrated in this manner. But guess what? FUCK YOU ALL. We WILL keep demonstrating at every opportunity. I myself will join my groups and take to the streets WITH or WITHOUT the EDL. And you fuckers will soon realize that the EDL is not the only group that wants these ISLAMO-FASCISTS out.

    You will then see that the real BRITISH people who LOVE this country, would also DIE for this country. So if I were you, I would stop demonizing people and groups you know NOTHING about. This is one instance where the EDL were TOTALY innocent and yet you fascist racist lot do not miss one opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    SHAME ON YOU imbeciles!
    SHAME ON YOU, fake patriots and LIARS.

    NONE of you in your community raised a single voice against these hateful speakers because it was ME who did that. And I know that because I spent the last 3 weeks working day and night on this and the councils and the police told me NO ONE had yet complained. So don’t talk shit. Lying scum!!

    [Finally, how many in EDL actually support your opinion and WHAT ALTERNATIVE DO YOU OFFER.]


    This is the immediate solution.

    If they want SHARIAH, they can immigrate to Pakistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Uganda, any fucking Islamic country in the world. WHY come HERE for???

    [It is easy enough to say what is wrong with the UK, but what do you suppose happen considering that 99% of what you have has fuck all got to do with Islamism and a whole lot to do with the way capitalism and the economy work against and not for us.]

    It has 99% to do with ISLAM, Islamism and TERRORISTS and their supporters.
    And also to do with people LIKE YOU, who are extremely ignorant and cannot see a palm in front of your nose. It’s got NOTHING to do with Capitalism, but ILLEGAL immigration, that costs us a FORTUNE, legal immigration that also costs us a fortune, asylum seekers, the same, people on benefits due to lack of jobs, and corruption within, which includes tax payers money being used to build fucking MOSQUES and pay for these immigrants homes, phone bills, gas, electricity, etc.

    I have evidence of this because I got the “refugees/asylum seekers” tenancy agreements from the councils and they DO PAY all these things for them, including buying CARS for these people. I kid you not!!!

    The Muslims are renting land for mosques for £1 per YEAR!! Did you know that???
    Our people are struggling to pay rent and these guys are paying 1 pound a YEAR to lease land for MOSQUES!!

    Fuck this!

    You are a stupid moron. Most of you are!
    And if you think this has nothing to do with Islam, think again. Fools! You are deluded and will wake up with a muslim knife on your throat one of these days. And guess what? You would deserve it.

    -The Last Prophetess-

    • Were you actually dribbling over the keyboard and emitting the occasional banshee-like shriek when you were typing that…?
      Check yourself into the nearest mental hospital before you go all Cumbrian on us, please.

    • Luther Blissett

      The last prophetess:
      “some of you are just confused and deluded and credulous people in search of an identity…”

      Pot. Kettle. Black.

  40. The last prophetess

    I ask you all:

    Why, of all the conflicts in the world only the Israeli one interests them?

    Why is a tiny country which struggles to survive criminalized?

    Why does manipulated information triumph so easily?

    Why are all the people of Israel, reduced to a simple mass of murderous imperialists?

    Why is there no Palestinian guilt?

    Why is Arafat a hero and Sharon a monster?

    Why there are no demonstrations from these humanitarian people against the suffering people of Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan??

    Why don’t we see demonstrations in Europe against the Islamic dictatorships?

    Why are there no demonstrations against the enslavement of millions of Muslim women?

    Why are there no declarations against the use of bomb-carrying children in the conflicts in which Islam is involved?

    Why is the left only obsessed with fighting against two of the most solid democracies of the planet, those which have suffered the bloodiest terrorist attacks, the United States and Israel?

    Why when Israel is the only country in the World which is threatened with extinction, it is also the only one that nobody considers a victim?

    Because the left no longer has any ideas, only slogans. It no longer defends rights, but prejudices. And the greatest prejudice of all is the one aimed against Israel. I accuse, then, in a formal manner that the main responsibility for the new anti-Semitic hatred disguised as anti-Zionism, comes from those who should have been there to defend freedom, solidarity and progress.

    Far from it, they defend despots, forget their victims and remain silent before medieval ideologies which aim at the destruction of free societies. The treason of the left is an authentic treason against modernity.

    And this is what we are fighting against.
    We will not let those hypocrites speak their filthy and virulent hate when they have nothing else to add but more HATE.

    This historic treason to freedom is reproduced nowadays, with mathematical precision.

    For example, the leaders of Hezbollah are considered resistance heroes, while pacifists like the Israeli singer Noa, are insulted in the streets of Barcelona. Today too, as yesterday, the left is hawking totalitarian ideologies, falls in love with dictators and, in its offensive against Israel, ignores the destruction of fundamental rights.

    It hates rabbis, but falls in love with imams; shouts against the Israeli Defense Forces, but applauds Hamas’s terrorists; weeps for the Palestinian victims, but scorns the Jewish victims, and when it is touched by Palestinian children, it does it only if it can blame the Israelis.

    You people are DESPICABLE. You have absolutely no virtue whatsoever, and you are devoid of the very thing that makes us all HUMAN. COMPASSION.

    Defeat of the United Nations. And with it, a sound defeat of the international organizations which should protect Human Rights.

    Instead they have become broken puppets in the hands of despots. The United Nations is only useful to Islamofascists like Ahmadinejad, or dangerous demagogues like Hugo Chavez which offers them a planetary loudspeaker where they can spit their hatred.

    And, of course, to systematically attack Israel. The UN, too exists to fight Israel.

    And here we are, with many IDIOTIC people, giving IDIOTIC comments, spouting their hate and poison against Israel, while applauding the murder and genocide from Muslims towards Muslims, and non-Muslims.

    Irrational people who are not worthy of being called HUMANS at all, because their humanity is non-existent. They lack the basic compassion and virtue that makes our species HUMAN.

    Defeat of Islam. Tolerant and cultural Islam suffers today the violent attack of a totalitarian virus which tries to stop its ethical development.

    This virus uses the name of God to perpetrate the most terrible horrors: lapidate women, enslave them, use youths as human bombs. Let’s not forget: They kill us with cellular phones connected to the Middle Ages.

    If Stalinism destroyed the left, and Nazism destroyed Europe, Islamic fundamentalism is destroying Islam. And it also has an anti-Semitic DNA. Perhaps Islamic anti-Semitism is the most serious intolerant phenomenon of our times; indeed, it contaminates more than 1,400 million people, who are educated, massively, in hatred towards the Jew.

    Intelligent people are giving up their intelligence and intellect to jump onto the wagon of Anti-semitism but cleverly attempting to use the word ZIONIST to not be as too obvious in their hate, least they be called FASCISTS.

    But fascists is what they are. RACIST FASCIST ANIMALS. And while I abhor the killing of people, this world would be a much better place if these animals were dead.
    I would rather share this planet with the beasts of the fields, because even they have no malice. Even they look after their young and give them love and protection.

    Islam has DESTROYED LOVE from their hearts. Love is not even mentioned in the Qu’ran apart from LOVE FOR ALLAH, the bloodthirsty G-d that requires the KILLING and MASSACRES of JEWS, CHRISTIANS and everyone else who does not believe in him. i.e. in a BOOK, because ALLAH does not exist. The whole set up is about a BOOK Muhammad wrote and conned all the ones deprived of intelligence and education, and even affected those who THINK they are educated, but are in reality FICKLE of soul. Like most of you here.

    Wherever Islam has touched, GENOCIDE AND DESTRUCTION has followed. And there isn’t a single soul here that can prove me wrong.

    Best you can do is abuse and insult. Most of you are deprived of thought, because in Islam you cannot use your mind to think, you cannot question ANYTHING in this pathetic and fake cult. You must only SUBMIT to the BOOK. Nothing else will do, and the Muslims will NEVER be happy until they subjugate you stupid Westerners, turn you into Dhimmis and make you pay Jizhya.

    You know NOTHING of Islam or Muslims.
    You failed miserably to learn from history and put a stop to this fucking madness.

    You FAILED disgracefully to speak up for your people and you are being RAPED daily and opening your legs for more.

    SHAME on your leftist whores. You have no idea what you are signing on for when you support HAMAS instead of Israel, when you support the TALIBAN instead of our soldiers who have put their lives on the line for YOU, you bloody ungrateful morons!!!

    You scream about the war in Iraq, but you would never be able to stand one day under Saddam’s rule. BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES.

    If you are British, you are a disgrace to all your fellow countrymen.

    I don’t see ANY Islamic country donating their fucking BILLIONS of OIL money to ISLAMIC countries. They donate to HAMAS, to HEZBOLLAH, to FATAH, to IRAN, and all those sick terrorist organizations and countries, where they treat women as if she was 100% VAGINA.

    Men like you deserve to be scorned, spat on and stamped on like the vermin that you are, because it is easy to destroy you. You have no backbones.

    You appease Muslims because you are AFRAID of exposing them, for fear they will hunt you down and behead you with blunt knives, as they did to Daniel Pearl.

    You are a bunch of pathetic morons who think Mosques are places of worship. The only thing they worship there is the KILLING OF WESTERNERS, APOSTATES, GAYS, JEWS, CHRISTIANS, PAGANS, HINDUS, ZOROASTRIANS, RASTAS even.

    You bloody idiotic people. You should LICK THE FEET OF THE EDL , SHAYERET 15, ZIONIST ORGANIZATIONS, and all those other great groups that are fighting for YOUR rights, while you sit on your fat and hairy asses munching chips and fattening your bellies up.

    You take stupid flotillas to Gaza, but you are UNABLE to take ANY to Sudan, to Yemen or to Afghanistan.

    Fucking hypocrites. You make me sick!

    We will put a stop to your evil actions and your evil lies. By all the G-ds we will. Just you fucking watch.

    And make no mistake. We are NOT afraid of pathetic Muslim gangs claiming OUR streets as theirs, or forcing our people out of their homes through harassment.

    We are not afraid of your FAKE G-d or your FAKE leaders whose sole intentions are to POISON the minds of children to HATE the country they live in and the very people who hosts them.

    If you think we will tolerate such shit, think again. We will retaliate with such force that you will fucking run back to your own countries in fear, for your G-d is NOT more powerful than we are. You can bet on that.

    Peaceful Muslims who live in this country, obey our laws and hurt NO ONE, can and should stay. They are welcome here.

    The rest of them can fuck off to their own Islamic shariah hell holes.


    • Luther Blissett

      ‘the last prophetess’: “…SHAYERET 15…”

      Ah yes, the semi-fictitious “chopped liver” division’ that Anglo-Jewry rejected.

  41. The last prophetess

    @ Eric Blair

    [Despite the good intentions of the EDL opposing Islamic fundemtalism, they get it arse over tit, alienating ALL muslims in the process who are the real people kicking the nutters out of the mosques.]

    Don’t be ridiculous. Name me ONE Muslim who has EVER kicked any nutter out of a Mosque.

    [What the EDL do is hype up loyalism/nationalism which PAVES THE WAY for fascism (No sinister agenda hey?) and much like the disgusting speakers at The Troxy event (And the elements within the local Council who have ensured it’s go ahead) you in fact stifle any progressive elements within the diversity of muslim communities. ]

    Another leftist talking out of his blow hole.
    How exactly is hyping LOYALISM or NATIONALISM paving the way for fascism, you idiot??
    I am VERY loyal to this country and VERY Patriotic too, and I wasn’t even born here! You do talk a lot of shit, you know? Your opinions are based on what exactly?

    Are you even implying that ANYONE who is patriotic, loyal and nationalist is a nazi?? Fucking hell! What a dumbass!

    There is NO diversity in Muslim communities. They ALL worship Muhammad and go to mosques to be BRAINWASHED. The only ones who don’t are those we call MUSLIMS ONLY IN NAME, those who DRINK, have sex, have girlfriends, go out, smoke, don’t go to Mosques. Those same Muslims that would be KILLED as apostates by their OWN MUSLIM leaders.

    [Painting sections of the working class into corners of “white” and “muslim” doesn’t help when we are all being fucked over by the government.]

    Are you stupid or something? Are you saying that there cannot be any WHITE MUSLIM?? LOL!!

    Your comments are nothing short of idiotic! What are you trying to prove here? Your stupidity? Good job!

    [And in fact Muslims do integrate into society – this shit you spout about them not just goes to show your black and white view of the world – areas like whitechapel are a prime example of the melting pot of Britain.]

    No they don’t! The ONLY ONES that do are those who DO NOT FOLLOW ISLAM.
    The JEWS of whitechapel were PUSHED OUT by the Muslims who invaded the area. You think Gaza is bad? hahaha
    Whitechapel resembles GAZA a lot. Dirty, filthy, full of ugly people wearing burqas, and ugly smelly men with beards that are full of food and fleas. What’s this?? Palestine in London now??

    That are used to be a noble area, CLEAN, and vibrant. Now all you see are WALKING TENTS, men in nightdresses from their sisters and wives, who cannot be bothered to shave and look presentable, and a dirty environment. It’s outrageous!!!

    [You use the rhetoric of everyone else being fascist and racist but it’s you lot who come stir up shit.]

    No, actually it’s YOU. You are the moron who are defending a mixing of cultures that are NOT compatible with one another. Crime by Muslims have risen. Honour Killings mostly go unpunished, but these fucking hypocrites are quick enough to put a WHITE MAN in Jail for evading TV licence.

    Don’t talk shit please. You do not know what you are talking about. If defending one’s culture and land is stirring shit, then get fucking ready, because I have tons coming and there is NOTHING that any of you can do. We are in thousands and hopefully very soon, MILLIONS.

    [ And I don’t care if you got more than just white people in it, anyone can be racist no matter what their skin colour, and it’s this xenophobic attitude that the EDL thrives on.]

    Twat. Who are you to say what we can feel or not? Are you G-d now?? If I don’t like a particular people, it is MY right. But I do NOT have the right to hurt them if they did NOTHING to hurt me. However, if anyone, black, white, Yellow, or red does anything to hurt me, they WILL get hurt too. This has NOTHING to do with racism you imbecile. It has to do with Self defence.

    I do NOT like Muslims, I think they are a very belligerent people, who have no heart, no mercy, no morals, no decency and no compassion. It’s only a RARE FEW that do, and these are to me just like everyone else.. normal people. I have nothing against them.
    But in order to state my views I have to generalize because good muslims are very very rare, no matter what you claim or say.

    I do not know ONE MUSLIM who has ever stood up against speakers of hate. Not even one.
    The EDL is not xenophobic or racist. You are a lying scumbag, just like the rest of the idiotic leftist irrational scum that spread their filth on our papers.

    [Peaceful? Bollocks! Just read some of the shit you lot put on facebook and what some of you lot shout at your demo’s!]

    Yeah? So paste the shit here and give us the link. Let’s see how far your lies will take you.

    Are you also IGNORING the placards saying BEHEAD ALL THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM?

    Are you really that retarded or just a fucking bigot with no morals or decency to admit the truth? Scared of being stoned by the Muslims??

    [No one on here is talking about attacking you lot, we are talking about defending our community, you won’t come anywhere near whitechapel because people will be out on the streets stopping you en masse – far outnumbering anything you could ever muster I assure you.]

    LOL! huuuuuu we are sooooooo scared of your dirtbags!! You are a moron. Tell me, fool. What are you supposedly attempting to defend your community from? The EDL who is on YOUR side or from the PREACHERS OF HATE, THE SHARIAH BRIGADE, THE WOMEN BEATERS AND OPPRESSORS???

    Choose your side and don’t bother us with your pathetic and childish threats. You cannot stop us even if you tried. And if you resort to violence, we will retaliate on the same coin. I suggest you use your intellect if you have one, but I see that’s also hopeless for you.

    [Any violence on the day will probably be the police battering you all day long as you remain in a kettle. What a fucking joke!]

    I reckon it will be the other way round. Last EDL demos the police arrested the FASCIST MUSLIM SUPPORTERS, and their RACIST friends, like you. So let’s see WHO is the fucking joke when we get there and show you the the EDL is not alone, yeah?

    Keep on ranting, keep on threatening. You lot are very good at that, but when push comes to shove, you fucking run like the rats you are. Even rats have more dignity.

    You attack our police forces and make fucked up videos shouting at our police saying: ” Run you cowards, run!” while you throw cones, bottles and other things at them!

    The police here needs to get their act together and gas you lot, taser you and beat the fuck out of any asshole attacking them. They are people too. They are not there to protect Muslims who preach against our country, preach hate against our people and denigrate our women.

    They are here to defend US, The BRITISH people who pay their wages, and give them respect, not those who abuse them while they are not armed. you are all COWARDS. You wouldn’t dare do that to the EDL and other groups because we would hunt you down and return the favour. And don’t even think the police will protect you. They won’t. You can bet on that.

    You start the violence, and you will perish by it. Simple as that.

    [But the preachers of hate will speak. Why? Because the corrupt local Council of Tower Hamlets (The REAL enemy) are ensuring it’s go ahead despite locals complaining to the venue to get it canceled. The EDL won’t have any impact on stopping the conference – they will come down, get drunk, sing rowdy songs and basically be penned all day by police. Is that a success in stopping religious fundamentalism?]

    Hahahhahaha is that so?
    Then go and read their press release you idiot. They DID cancel the conference on that venue because WE put pressure on them and WE WON.

    So, what were you saying about the EDL having no impact?? LOL! You fucking wish. You have no idea how many we are, do you?
    You have no idea what we are capable of, do you?

    Worry not. Plenty of time for you to get acquainted with our methods. Get the fuck out of our way or you will be stuck in the middle as well. You are either with us or against us, and I tell you that against us will not be a wise move for you, unless you want to wake up with a muslim knife on your throat one day, and deprived of all your human rights and identity.

    Make no mistake. Muslims HATE the kuffar and YOU are one of them.

    [Maybe you should have watched the Dispatches programme exposing the IFE’s take over of East London Mosque – you may notice that a number of people blowing the whistle were, drum roll please, local Muslims!! Doing a lot more than you.]

    If you had seen the program you would have known that it was the actual reporter in disguise, who blew the whistle.

    Yes, there are SOME Muslims who also blow the whistle. My ex was one of them. But then again, as I said, those are RARE and may be persecuted by THEIR OWN people.

    What other “peaceful” religion KILLS someone for leaving that religion?
    Who KILLS a girl or a boy for having sex with their partners??

    Peaceful my ass. Time to BAN this cult of terror and death. I for one had enough!

  42. The last prophetess = Roberta Moore (Zionist Fanatic who is using EDL for her own agenda)

    — a complete zionist fanatic, I think you need medical help because you have seriously lost the plot, indeed if you ever had one.

    “Whitechapel is full of ugly people” ??


    • I see I’ve been seconded on the mental health issue….
      Cheers for the other comment about the history behind EDL-like groups, I did not know that.

    • Luther Blissett

      If Zionist Fanatic=proscribed terrorist group JDL, then yes, she’s a Zionist Fanatic.

  43. The Last Prophetess: BRILLIANT! that certainly covers all bases.

    As you said, they have not replied to ONE of the facts you mentioned, not even the total racism and male chauvinism of muslims!

    I have a message for A: WE fought for womens rights and anti-racism before YOU were born: and now you shit over that hard-won struggle!

    You are not a real East Ender, you’re just a national socialist wrapped in muslim clothing. A parasite!

    Its true you have no intellect, you are as thick as two short planks.

    As Lenin called you, “useful idiots”. Hahahaha!

  44. A, people do feel passionate about these issues.
    The mission statement of EDL is that we stand against militant Islam and against creeping Ismalization and we do not want innocent muslims to become a target.

    No one controls the EDL and no one is allowed to use us for their own ends, people have their own opinions of course and we always ask people to make it clear that they are giving their own opinions and not the view of EDL.

    Everyone has the right to follow their faith and pray to whatever god or gods they wish to and we are not looking to take that right away.

    So, we are in agreement that the preachers of hate need to be stopped, so why is it that you would oppose us protesting against them, you should be supporting us in the sense that you don’t oppose us.
    The problem is that when groups like the UAF oppose us, then they actively stir up racial tensions by telling people that we are racist and that our black and brown brothers and sisters are racist to, uncle toms etc.
    This completely wrong, it is incitement
    of the worst kind and this has led to violent confrontation and this does seem like it is the intention of the UAF to create this in order to prove we are violent.

    It is only that most Asian and black people are to sensible to fall for this propaganda that some thing bad and nasty hasn’t happened.

    The UAF and those groups that follow them have every right to protest but they do not have the right to go into places beforehand and lie in such a way that it swells their numbers. In any decent persons book that’s clearly a dirty trick.

    If you oppose the preachers of hate, then like us you perceive a danger so why then can you not see past that and see that it is only a part of creeping Islamization, I think your ideology gets in the way, in the sense, for example, open borders.

    You would, I assume, open them up tomorrow without much thought as to the effects on people, ideology doesn’t take account of the people, it is right to be internationalist and that means open borders, so open borders it is and anyone who questions this is automatically tagged, ideologies stop you thinking, you have to think inside that ideologies box, a bit like religion really.

    If I said English jobs for the English, the pc box would tag me as a racist, even tho by English I meant anyone born here, the pc brigade would say I meant white people. It would in effect be telling me what I think. Mind control, so if I don’t want the racist tag I’d better not say English jobs for the English, this shuts people up, which is the intention.

    I think EDL is being used by the UAF and co to provide an enemy to justify their existence and to increase their support. They need the funding.

  45. The last prophetess


    [The last prophetess = Roberta Moore (Zionist Fanatic who is using EDL for her own agenda)]

    My friend, I have several names. 🙂 Roberta Moore is one. Guess the other 39. 😉

    Fanatic? LOL! You wish. But I am glad that this is all you can come up with. Your lack of argument has been exposed and your idiocy too.
    I don’t need to use EDL for my agenda. I have done plenty without the EDL. The coming of EDL into my world just makes it a lot stronger.

    And in turn makes you weaker, for LIES and DECEIT are always exposed by those who know the truth.

    [a complete zionist fanatic, I think you need medical help because you have seriously lost the plot, indeed if you ever had one.]

    Nice try. Fanaticism is what your Muslim colleagues have. Fanatics in life and in death. No real virtue, no real compassion, no real life whatsoever. Your miserable existence is reflected by the company you choose.

    “Tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are”. Very true.

    [“Whitechapel is full of ugly people” ??]

    To my taste YES. Why? Have you got a problem with my choice of what is ugly or beautiful?
    Do I care about what you think? LOL!! Frankly NO. Deal with it.

    • “Several names”
      Multiple Personality Disorder?
      Hope you ain’t bi-polar, I’d hate to share a diagnosis with someone like you! (No shame in my game… there’s nothing to feel guilty about in having so called mental health issues, any more than being diabetic… just get it sorted out, but watch out for them drugs they like to prescribe, most of em only add to the problem… but why am I giving you advice? Even at the height of my “manic episode” that I experienced I was never acted like an outright nasty, spiteful, UGLY person.)
      You are the very definition of an insane ranting bigot. The reaction of most reasonable people to reading any of your comments would be an urge to retch.
      By the way, I am well aware of the role of so called Muslims in the slave trade (in fact they had a trans-saharan and trans-pacific slave trade going on before the triangular trans-atlantic slave trade). I am also well aware of the role of so called Christians and so called Jews in the slave trade, as well as the (smaller) role played by local African elites. You’re not telling me anything I don’t know… apart, of course, from all the wild lies and complete inaccuracies, like being born in Britain doesn’t necessarily make you British (it does), all Muslims born in Britain hate Britain (they don’t), asylum seekers are being treated better than you are and are being provided for their every need (such a fucking joke it’s unbelievable… do you have the remotest idea what life is like for asylum seekers??? Plainly not… and do you think all their claims are fabricated??? And in many cases, are they not fleeing situations in their countries that were directly or indirectly caused by “first world” countries like Britain???)
      Anyway I don’t know why I’m wasting time typing to you. See you in the newspaper headlines when you lose it and start spraying everyone around you with buckshot.

  46. A, EDL are not coming to Tower Hamlets and yet the UAF continue,

    Click to access whitechapelrally.pdf

    They are supporting the Islamists.

    • @Arthur – its no surprise really is it? The UAF are just one monopolistic tendency that attempts to take over antifascist and antiracist politics whenever their is genuine concern by a community. Though we have argued with them many times , and they have been criticised by many different groups and types of people for their behaviour – they still continue to attempt to railroad these sorts of affairs.

      The demo is still going ahead. You know that the EDL was not the only threat to the Troxy cancelling. It has alot to do with the “No Places for Hate” campaign which enabled the venue to cancel the event without loosing face. You and me both know that the state would have the forces to keep the event going regardless of what demo’s were happening in the area. In fact, UK-IC has not been cancelled but has a new venue – so not much of a victory huh?

  47. Look at their membership fees, a nice living there for someone.

  48. Poor Rasta! smoked too much dope. Haven’t GOT a brain any more. Don’t worry, we are fighting for everyone, you included.

  49. The last prophetess

    @ RASTA

    [“Several names”
    Multiple Personality Disorder?

    Not at all.
    Confusing the ENEMY. 😉

    [Hope you ain’t bi-polar, I’d hate to share a diagnosis with someone like you! (No shame in my game… there’s nothing to feel guilty about in having so called mental health issues, any more than being diabetic…]

    Is this ALL you can come up with you imbecile?
    Gibberish and more gibberish. And it’s not even amusing.

    [ just get it sorted out, but watch out for them drugs they like to prescribe, most of em only add to the problem… but why am I giving you advice? Even at the height of my “manic episode” that I experienced I was never acted like an outright nasty, spiteful, UGLY person.)
    You are the very definition of an insane ranting bigot. The reaction of most reasonable people to reading any of your comments would be an urge to retch.]

    Yadda yadda yadda…. and yet you BOTHER to answer. Guess you got an itchy ass, huh?

    [By the way, I am well aware of the role of so called Muslims in the slave trade (in fact they had a trans-saharan and trans-pacific slave trade going on before the triangular trans-atlantic slave trade). ]

    Nahhhh, really?? What happened? You decided to read your childhood history books now all of a sudden?

    [ I am also well aware of the role of so called Christians and so called Jews in the slave trade, as well as the (smaller) role played by local African elites. ]

    LOL! Now that I would like to hear. Go ahead Rasta boy, Enlighten me in your amazing wisdom.

    [You’re not telling me anything I don’t know… apart, of course, from all the wild lies and complete inaccuracies, like being born in Britain doesn’t necessarily make you British (it does), all Muslims born in Britain hate Britain (they don’t), asylum seekers are being treated better than you are and are being provided for their every need (such a fucking joke it’s unbelievable…]

    You see, this is why I would not waste my time debating with someone so fucking irrationally naive, stupid and ignorant, because if you had done your homework you would have known that I do not lie. I have no reason to lie.
    Surely you WISH I was lying so that you could use the above dumbass rhetoric that MAY just work on those who are clueless, like yourself for example.

    What part of “I have the EVIDENCE of tenancy agreements from the councils, for Asylum Seekers” did you not understand?

    I have worked for the council before, and I still know many who do. It’s nothing to me to get proof of this blatant discrimination towards WHITE people. So it won’t be you who will tell me what I know or what I don’t know.
    Stick to what you know, which obviously is not much. But avoid giving opinions about things you do not. You only expose your stupidity.

    [do you have the remotest idea what life is like for asylum seekers??? Plainly not… and do you think all their claims are fabricated?]

    Yes I do. But I also know that NOT ALL are asylum seekers and yet they CLAIM to be.
    I never said all their claims are fabricated, but MANY are. Get that into your head. The fact that some are real, does not mean all are.

    [And in many cases, are they not fleeing situations in their countries that were directly or indirectly caused by “first world” countries like Britain??]

    Oh please!!!! Is this your fucking excuse?
    If you lot knew how to manage your countries properly, Britain wouldn’t have to go in to sort your fucking problems out.
    Don’t talk shit.

    Are you saying these “asylum seekers” are here for revenge in form of compensation? LOL!!

    [Anyway I don’t know why I’m wasting time typing to you. See you in the newspaper headlines when you lose it and start spraying everyone around you with buckshot.]

    I don’t know why you are replying to me either, because so far you have achieved NOTHING, and all your claims and idiotic opinions, which are based on your own ignorance, mean NOTHING.

    Go back to your hash pipe and don’t push my patience.

    • Go fuck yourself with a rusty screwdriver.
      Being mad is not your fault, but there’s no excuse for being a fucking asshole and being a fucking asshole knows no gender, race or creed. Like it or not you are part of an international, inter-racial, inter-religious community 0f fucking assholes – the same community that the cancelled speakers at the Troxy belong to. You have far more in common with them than either of you have in common with the average denizen of Whitechapel.

  50. A, you’re right it is no surprise.

    I am aware that it is not only EDL that have worked to stop this and I salute those who who stood up to be counted so to speak.

    At least those preachers of hate know that they cannot just come in and say what they like.
    Altho it does present me with a clash of principle because on the one hand I am all for free speech and here I am trying to stop free speech.

    What we in EDL need to do is to get the message across to moderate muslims that we are not against them but any chance of that is ruined by the presents of the UAF, which is their intention, of course.

    Do we have any idea of the new venue?

    • Arthur, it was not only UAF that has stirred stuff up it was the behaviour of your own people – in Luton and Birmingham. You can’t get away from that fact. As well as the constant racist language on many of your forums and facebook. Whether you like it or not, this perception was caused at an early stage. You can ‘t blame people for thinking that can you? Especially since groups like National Front and BNP have used the St Georges flag for the last 40 years and associated it with violent racism.

      Sometimes things are not as simple as blaming one group. EDL has failed to convince people that they are anything but a personal attack against their faith, and thats why muslims will never feel comfortable with marching with EDL, and that should in no way be evidence for muslims defending extremism or fanaticism.

  51. Rasta, I’m not looking to get into a row with you, not my style.

    I want to assure you that the EDL are not racist, here is something for you to look at, please.

    I want you to imagine that you are one of those speakers and how much bottle it takes for them to get up there in front of thousands of people who are supposed to be racist, do you think you’d be able to do it.

    They are our friends mate, our brothers and sisters and if anyone in that crowd had dared shout anything racist then there health would have been in great danger, so to speak.

    Ask yourself this question, why was this speech not in the BBC docu or in the so called Guardians undercover report?

  52. The last prophetess


    [Go fuck yourself with a rusty screwdriver.]

    How charming! Is this how you speak to a lady?

    [Being mad is not your fault, but there’s no excuse for being a fucking asshole and being a fucking asshole knows no gender, race or creed.]

    Yes, I can see that. Not sure what’s your excuse then.

    [Like it or not you are part of an international, inter-racial, inter-religious community 0f fucking assholes – the same community that the cancelled speakers at the Troxy belong to.]

    We are all part of a community somewhere, but I am not part of this Islamist fascist/racist community of Whitechapel. My area is more upper class, thank you. Besides, as I already told you, it was NOT the community that cancelled the speakers at the Troxy. It was MY group, and the threat of the EDL turning up. Both of these factors ALONE forced them to cancel this event.

    I was the first to find out about the event, and the first to complain. Where were the so-called-Anarchists then? They heard it from US, right after the EDL got involved, which was a good 2 weeks after I and my group started to bombard the council, the police and the Troxy with several emails per day.

    It was my group that investigated every single speaker and provided a full dossier to the police and forced them to act.

    Do NOT claim credit for things you have been a FAILURE to achieve. WE were the “local community” who complained, but we are NOWHERE that local.

    So we know for a FACT that the real local community did not raise one single fucking voice. It was US and the EDL all along.

    [You have far more in common with them than either of you have in common with the average denizen of Whitechapel.]

    I have FUCK ALL in common with you lot, thankfully. Perhaps the same as you have with a Penguim perhaps.

  53. East London Mans are nutters,

    Cant wait to see them in action, LOL

  54. I am sure that a comparative psychoanalytical examination of EDL members and islamists would produce similar results showing that both groups of persons contain mostly authoritarian personalities with a strong “fear of freedom” 😉

  55. The last prophetess


    Whatever rocks your boat, my dear…
    But it won’t be the first time you miss the point, that’s for sure.

  56. comparative psychoanalytical examination, fine words mate but what do they mean. Sounds like bs to me.

    Fear of freedom, another meaningless phrase. Perhaps you might elaborate.

  57. The EDL have attacked the Muslims, yesterday they even attacked little kids. They will be marching on Saturday. We will see what happens. I myself have got beaten. So what you gotta say about the EDL now?

  58. The last prophetess


    What do I have to say? That YOU are a liar.
    The EDL did not attack Muslims. The Muslims attacked the EDL boys FIRST and got what they deserved.
    And if they do it again, I will join in and help the EDL to fight back.

    We have ZERO tolerance for violence.

  59. Rob, proof please of these allegations.

  60. Pingback: Anti-fascism in a new era « Though Cowards Flinch

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