
As the Whitechapel Anarchist Group we created nine street
papers, five posters, two pamphlets and dozens of leaflets. All of these were distributed
on the streets, over the course of two and a half years we printed and handed
out over 32000 pieces of propaganda

We always believed it was important to keep a historical record
of what we had produced, too many anarchist groups vanish without leaving a
historical trace so were over the moon that all of our papers are now accessible
at the Bishopgate Archives.

Over the years we have been part of dozens of interviews,
radio shows, TV shows, news programmes and helped many students by answering
questions for dissertations. These interviews were rarely at convenient times
for us so we never sorted out getting copies. But if you do have video footage,
photos, interviews or anything else of us please could you make a copy for us
to hang on to.

One response to “bishopgate

  1. Hi, I was trying to get involved in local groups and could appreciate if you send me further information on London groups

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